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hope for recovery, celebrate recovery

The culture says you will always be an addict or alcoholic. The good news is you CAN change and there are people who understand the struggle more than you think. You may be lost in the hopelessness of your addiction but you don't have to stay there. Join us today and find hope and freedom. Not simply a meeting, but real support for sobriety and freedom. Addiction is not your identity.


Hope for Addiction offers free resources for churches to biblically walk alongside someone who struggles against addiction.

Is Recovery Possible?

Hope for Addiction equips the local church to provide biblical care for addictions and helps struggling addicts understand and apply biblical truth for true, lasting change and be fully integrated into a local church body for ongoing growth in Christ.
housing for single moms

Freedom House is a long-term transition home for single women,

single moms and their kids. 

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