10 Impactful Moments
A decade that has been marked by significant milestones, heartfelt memories, and incredible growth. Join us and reflect on the goodness of the Lord in each moment that has played a pivotal role in our history.
Official Launch
December 17, 2013
First recovery meeting
@ Center Church in Gilbert
July 10, 2014
Official Non-Profit Established
July 21, 2014
First partner church begins recovery meeting
July 10, 2015
Our First Baby Born
August 28, 2018
First Leader Training
March 10, 2016
Freedom House Opened
February 17, 2019
Exhibited at First Conference
June 2019
New Freedom House Opened!
May 14, 2021
Liberty House, a Short-Term
Transition Home Opens
April 10, 2023
10 Years Later
Touching Base with Those Who Have Journeyed With Us From Day One
Found Hope for Addiction in January 2014
In January 2014 I was a young mother with a newborn and newly out of rehab. I had been isolated for over a year which meant I didn't know where to turn. I knew I didn't want to continue in active addiction, and I also knew somewhere deep inside that would be my future if God didn't intervene. Thankfully, He did through Hope for Addiction and the woman who championed the cause, Liz Beck.
Part of Hope for Addiction since 2013
My addiction almost took my life, literally. God rescued me but I needed help on how to live. I was unable to make decisions for myself, even the most basic decisions were overwhelming, and I didn’t know how to live. Being a part of Hope for Addiction gave me a place to belong, people who helped me understand life and my struggles biblically and how to make God honoring decisions. My mentors at Hope for Addiction helped me understand how the gospel helps me in my struggle with PTSD. After several years, I was able to successfully apply scripture and I no longer need medication for anxiety.
Partnering with Hope for Addiction since the beginning
My name is Wambui Wainaina, originally from Kenya, East Africa. The reason for leaving family and loved ones behind to migrate to America was to find better pastures for our young nuclear family; my then husband and our two precious bundles of joy. We taught the children to know God and read the Bible and taught them to memorize scriptures. As the children grew older, and into high school, Eric, the younger of my two children, fell into bad company, and for most of his very short life on earth, he struggled hard with addictions, but fought just as hard to walk with God. Without family close-by and far from home in a jail in Arizona, Eric, unbeknown to me, had a friend who visited him in jail often. I was honored when Liz asked me to write a snapshot of why I financially support the ministry of Hope For Addiction. I will always be indebted to Liz for prayers and the close friendship she had with Eric, even when I did not know her. I believe everyone in jail needs a friend like my son had. Not sure how many other people Liz visited in jails, spending her own resources and time, but I am sure there were others, even before the ministry was born. I am paying forward, and there is no one better than Liz with who to partner with in this regard. I believe Liz has a real, genuine call for the population with which she has become a specialist. Ministry needs people equipped to do the work needed with expertise and am personally impressed with Liz’s efforts to educate herself and know as much as possible about additions and be resourceful as well as biblical. I believe God is looking for “distributors.” Unlike the rich man who wanted to expand his storage, I want to give because I have been given; God has been very good to me. I encourage everyone within the reach of this ministry to give what they can. Finally, I give to Hope For Addiction because I believe it is rich soil in which to plant. It is not every ministry that is genuine, and as a supporter, I always check out the credibility of the ministry; Hope For Addiction and Liz check out. Accordingly, I give with confidence that the money I give goes where I am told it does. I also have confidence that many families are being restored. Am proud to be a partner in Hope for Addiction.
In Their Words
Journey Through the Eyes and Stories of Our Community
A Decade More
Save lives and bring hope
Help us reach even more hurting people in the next decade.
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