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hope for Addiction conference



Equipping the saints for the work of ministry... Ephesians 4:12

Equipping saints called to care for others:

those leading one-on-one discipleship, small groups and other areas of church ministry. The gospel brings hope to those trapped in habitual sin and weighed down by deep suffering. Join us and be equipped for more confident gospel care.


BEARING BURDENS: Trey Richardson, Center Church Gilbert

How do we bear the burdens of those with deep suffering and struggles with habitual sin? What is our responsibility, what is their responsibility, what is God's?


STRONGHOLDS: Rich Richardson, Center Church Gilbert

What are strongholds? Are strongholds a factor for those with habitual sin? How does the gospel bring hope?


GOSPEL CENTRALITY: Jamie Self, Grace Church Peoria

How does the gospel bring change for those with deep suffering and habitual sin?


PRACTICAL EXERCISE: Liz Beck, Hope for Addiction

How do we make scripture practical, applicable and impactful for those with habitual sin and deep suffering? Confidently teach those you care for to make scripture practical and effective in daily struggles.



  • Work through case studies to practice all you learn

  • Q & A

  • Brief overview of Hope for Addiction and how we equip the local church


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