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Writer's pictureLiz Beck

Embracing faith amidst challenges

Hope for Addiction is facing an unparalleled challenge that tests the very core of our mission. I wanted to share a transparent view of what we’ve been up against over the past year, how this has impacted these first few weeks of 2024 and the miraculous reminder that we serve a very big God.


I doubt I need to say much more to have you nodding in agreement. The shifts in our world have directly impacted the outlook of Hope for Addiction. For the last four years we have received a majority of our funding for Freedom House through various grants. Grants have

helped us grow and take on a second house, Liberty House. Through both houses we are able to provide shelter and safety for up to 9 women plus their children, each night.


I’m sure you’re increasingly aware of the growing resistance to Christianity, but what

we didn’t anticipate is the effect it would have on the funding for our homes. We’ve had great relationships over the last four years with our grantors, but this year we received resistance. As always, when entering the program, women agree to attend church each week. This policy was objected to by several grantors and we lost significant funding. This dilemma has been profound. Should we compromise our foundational principle of incorporating church activities in order to secure necessary funding, or do we stand firm, risking the funds needed to keep these homes, specifically Liberty House, going? We reaffirmed our commitment to Hope for Addiction’s gospel-based mission. The requirement to attend church stays and thus, our fundraising for 2024 fell by a quarter of a million dollars. You read that right. We lost nearly $250,000 in grants we received last year, over a policy that has always been in place.


If I had sent this letter to you just a few days ago, it would have been asking for your help to locate a new home to rent to keep Liberty House open. I was reminding myself that even if Liberty House opened only to support one, it was worth it. In short, I was preparing to face the reality that we may not be able to keep Liberty House open - and I’ve been praying for the words to share with you about it. Truthfully, I didn’t want to seem ungrateful for the incredible support many of you have already shared, yet, I was challenged by a pastor to share this reality with our friends. In just a few days, God miraculously provided a new opportunity that is not just a temporary solution but a longer-term home for Liberty

House. I’m awestruck. This is a vivid illustration of the faithfulness of the Lord to pave paths previously unimaginable.


The journey to overcome these challenges is far from over. In anticipation of the loss of the grants, we drastically reduced our 2024 by $100,000 but we still face the monumental task of bridging a $150,000 funding gap. We have faith that God has a plan and he has already supplied the most impossible need by providing a house. That’s where you come in.


Your support helps fill a financial void created by standing firm on biblical convictions. Will you join us and reaffirm the belief in the mission of Hope for Addiction? Will you share the need with a friend and pray with us for wisdom and provision? We know the Lord has a good plan and we know that with God, indeed, nothing is impossible.


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